Monday, August 10, 2009

Slang Gang Word of the Day

August 8: making clay
Taking a poop. To make clay, To have taken a huge dump.

"I am making clay", "I just made clay" ,"I just made a clay sculpture".

Also known as (with my work BFF's): crafting.
"Sorry, EG and Giggler, can't talk right now, gotta go craft."


  1. I'm a firm believer that crafting/making clay should only be done at home. I worked for a dentist that ALWAYS did it at the office, and it wasn't good.

  2. oooo! I always love learning new ways to say that you need to poop. Cause saying "I need to poop" is just not that cool.

    Dropping friends off at the lake? Way more cool.

  3. Sounds so much nicer than "dump"

  4. "I had to make clay at the public restroom at the E Center this past weekend and some freakin' moron sat her damn self right next to me when there was an ENTIRE restroom available."

    And I usually just tell people, "I gotta go number two."


Lay it on me....