Thursday, May 7, 2009

Oh where, oh where has the big,fat cat gone?

Oh where or where can she be?

Yeah, I've been delinquent with this very public journal. But I have my excuses.
You know that commercial when "life comes at you fast?" Well, life has come at me fast. No big issues, but Sissy's mom had to have her gall bladder removed. Splenda, Tuffy and I have the privelege of taking care of Sissy during her Mom's several days of recovery.

Taken care of a two year old lately? I'm sure lots of you have. 42 yourself at the time? That's what I thought. I'm tired. I'm old. I have lost any personal time I might have deluded myself into thinking I had. I am not complaining, just EXPLAINING.

Yes, we are having a b.l.a.s.t! Yes, there will be a post next week about all our fun adventures! Right now, we aren't totally sure for how long she gets to be with us, but we are guessing at least until Sunday night. YAY for us!!

In the meantime, I'm blurking, reading your fun posts and commenting when I can......


  1. Take care and you are right where you need to be M.

  2. Well, you continue to have a great time with your family then!

  3. come think being 42 is an excuse...Who is it that runs every marathon within the state of Utah? Yeah...that's what I thought....You have WAY more energy then I could ever hope to have!

    ....but hope you are having FUN with a terrific 2 year old!

  4. Enjoy that Sissy of yours!!!

  5. i had my gall bladder taken out a few years ago.

    haven't been the same since. ;)

    anyway, lot's of work, i can imagine.

    blurking, occasionally commenting- that's the best way to go, sometimes.

  6. Oy, you forget, don't you? My youngest is nearly 14, and I'm really not sure I could do "2" again without some serious conditioning first. (Maybe deal with a 15 year old girl for a while; they're like 2 year-olds.)

  7. Thank you. You just made me feel a whole lot better about being a delinquent blogger!

    Some things just have to come first!

  8. Well, I'm kinda glad that Sissy is sucking up your blogging time because for once in my life I'm not horribly behind on reading your blog!!! But come back to us soon. You're worth getting behind for.

  9. Have fun being a G-mom. And for the record, I'm jealous.

  10. you are a rock star! 2 year olds are hard. (but also fun and fantastic)


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