Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tickle Me Pink Tuesday

What?!?! Tuesday again already?!?!
Things that are just "tickling me pink" today.....

1. A perfectly popped bag of popcorn. Seriously, it doesn't happen often. You either get overcooked slightly burnt pieces, or several old maids and unpopped, therefore wasted, kernels. But the perfect bag? Every kernel popped perfectly!

2. Propel water mix in's. Like Crystal Light, which is also pleasing, but these little bad boys are 0 calories! You read right - ZERO, NADA, ZILCH!

3. That spring training is here. Who cares if A-Rod, I mean A-Roid juiced? Really, who gives a crap? More than half the league does anyway. I just enjoy me some baseball, and I love that it's getting to be that time of year again!! Wheeee!

4. A salad bar. I realize this kind of conflicts with my germ phobia's, but here at the new office, they actually have a great salad bar, and I'm LOVIN it!

5. Wednesday's. 'Nuff said.

6. My Tuffster. Seriously, what other 17 year old kid do you know would get goofy with him mom and pose for crazy pictures showing off our bad, buff, ripped, cut selves?
Really?!?! I know you are all swooning over him, but remember he is only 17, and I have already picked his wife, so just enjoy the look!

What's tickling you pink today?


  1. Nice arms you two!

    I am tickled pink that our Spring Break plans are all set!

  2. I like me a nice hot Dominican...but it makes me mad that he took the 'roids.

  3. Are you guys selling tickets to the gun show? That's awesome.

  4. Forget him, I wanna date you!

  5. I'm with you on the popcorn.

    And your arms are smokin'!

  6. Actually, I am swooning over you. Seriously great arms there. No fair, but of course you have to work for them so good on ya.

  7. Is that your arm too? YOu kill it!!

  8. You are SO right. A perfectly popped bag of popcorn is SO rare. And so delightful. And HOT MAMA you have sweet arms!

  9. Maybe I should let you train me...I want guns like that! And while your son looks tough... I bet you can still kick his can...which happens to be a goal of mine when I have teenage sons!

  10. Lol! Love the "tough-sters" picture. You have much to be tickled about! Cute post.

  11. Love your blog! You have amazing arms! Cute post.

  12. tammy - she's taken.

    Melissa - shave your pits. SICK!

  13. I have muscles that are waaay bigger than that! I just keep them UNDER my arm...they like to swing freely

  14. Dang girl, you are ripped! I'm lovin' that gun show!

  15. I just noticed your I ♥ Jeter button on your side bar...My husband often gets the "you look like Derek Jeter" remark...you know celebrity-look-a-like thing. I don't know..I kind-a see it!...hmm maybe I shouldn't have just typed that...now you'll be checking out by husband's pics on my blog..LoL!


Lay it on me....