Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Slang Gang Word of the Day

sky up

sky up---to exit-to leave a place--to leave town.

This party is bogus, time fo' me to sky up!

Ed. note - *Today is just bogus - I gotta sky up!*


  1. Love it!! I look forward to every urban dictionary entry...maybe one day I will even be brave enough to use them in a sentence!

  2. That is what I needed to know today. I was thinking about a couple of things I need to sky up.

  3. i keep seeing your comments everywhere(blogworld and facebook) that i had to come over and check you out! i love everything you write and politically, you got it goin on girlfriend:)

    awesome blog btw! and thanks for the new gangsta slang-i'll be using it from now on! :)

  4. i also have to say that the title of your blog is THE BOMB. i am obviously making a pathetic attempt at wooing you as a blog friend:)

  5. I'd like to sky-up but that just isn't happenin' so maybe I'll go drive around be a parade maker.

  6. I need to sky up more than you know.

  7. Ha! I'd love to sky up, ah, but alas, I'll be sky downing on my rear end working. :(


Lay it on me....