Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oh.My.Goodness. Can you say pure delight in a can?

Holy freakin crap! A monster has been created. Literally.

The very evil and wicked Shark has introduced me to the wonders of the "Monster". Now if you follow her blog, you know she is a tich addicted and loves these things. She's been singing the "Monster" praises ever since I have known her. I refused to try. I had already given the Red Bull and the RockStar a whirl each and didn't find them enjoyable. I couldn't get past one little swallow. But this morning I really needed a little pick-me-up. See, me no sleepy very good on hotel bed. No packy my Crystal Light with caffeine, and my Mav no carry them. So, I bit the bullet and got a low-carb Monster energy drink.
DING DING DING!!! Can you say yummy goodness in a pretty blue/black tall boy can? HELLO! Woo-hoo! Me likey. Me likey a LOT!
I am now a fan of this delicious and delightful beverage. I can now agree that it is the nectar of the gods. I am convinced I MUST have one of these each and every morning.
This is Melissa.

This is Melissa on Monster.

This is the FUN Melissa........ Wanna hang out? Go for a drive? Clean the house? Make cookies? Hike a mountain? Run a marathon? Build a house? Remodel the bathroom? Bike to Logan? Rebuild the fence? etc etc etc......???? You should try some of this stuff dude!

PS. All photoshop magic credit goes to Tib....


  1. Freaky!

    Are you going to bike to Logan from Salt Lake, or from St. George?

  2. tee hee hee

    Love that you finally discovered the love.

    And I would say that if she drank 2 Monsters she could totally get from St. George to Logan. You should have heard her on the phone!

  3. I would like to bike from Cali to NYC

  4. Don't be scared.

    Being scared of Melissa accomplishes nothing.

    Just embrace her.

    You can't fight it. Just go with it.

  5. I shouldn't have looked in here. I really shouldn't have. That looks like something I could totally go for too. I need me some energy so badly. You monster you ;)

  6. so it's like crack, except legal!

  7. LOL for the first time in 8 years I'm glad I don't live in Utah...I have a feeling it may not be safe there anymore!

  8. That's funny, but I am a little intimidated by you now!

  9. Love the red-eye pic! That's hilarious. I smell an addict on my hands! Ha.

  10. Is it really that good? And does it really make your eyes do that? Because if it does, even if it's not that good I might try it. Seriously, though. Is it good? And does it really give you energy? Because I think my body thinks I'm a bear. Because I am in hiberation and I can't get out.


Lay it on me....