Friday, February 27, 2009

Best in Show - another Friday funny!

We've seen the movie a gajillion times and laugh out loud every scene. Ran across one on my favorites and thought it would fun for a Friday.

And you should see Tuffy do her "walk". Hysterical!


  1. Come enter my Fun Friday giveaway :) The winner will be posted tonight! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Oh My Goodness...We ♥ this movie...these people are crazy! My fav part...prob the scene when they are in the hotel gift shop trying to "replace" the dogs favorite lost toy...then on tot he pet store to do the same...LoL! Good laughs! Thanks!

  3. I haven't seen this. Where have I been? I MUST see it now.

  4. I have never seen this movie.

    Is that a deal breaker?

  5. Oh my gosh that's freakin' hilarious! I've seen this movie but I'll never get tired of seeing that "walk".


Lay it on me....