Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hello Ma'am? This is NASA calling.....

Seems that the astronauts on the space station, WAY OUT IN SPACE, saw a frightening thing and needed to get the all clear:

What am I 14? Wait....don't answer that!


  1. Oh! You should see my chin! My kids are screaming "ProActiv" everytime I walk through the house! Were the teen years not enough for the acne-gods?

  2. Oh! You should see my chin! My kids are screaming "Proactiv" at me every time I walk by them! Apparently, my teen years were not enough for the acne-gods!

  3. OK, I haven't meant to leave you two different messages about the same thing, but I am not smart enough to fanaggle this thing! Sorry!

  4. Oh my gosh! I accidentally bumped into it yesterday. So sorry!

    Seriously! Call Dr. Spann and go in for one of those super zit zapper serum shots. You won't regret it. Gone the next day.

  5. I can empathize more than you know.

  6. I'm sporting two nice ones myself. WTH??

  7. Do you need some Mary Kay Zit Cream (that's not the real name). I've got a pimp.

  8. I have one too, damn PMS!


Lay it on me....