Saturday, December 13, 2008

Saturday Snow day for the Puppies!!

Ruh Roh! At least that's what I think I heard the puppies say this morning when they went outside to the lovely, couple of inches of snow we got! Either that or what I heard needs to be edited (puppy potty mouth - awesome!)

So the last snow storm was a mere skiffing, this morning's was BIG! They were troopers and went out anyway as good puppies in potty training do. The two boys quickly did their business and then hid under the stairs. Not Ellie! No, not that brave girl. She needed to do more than just a little piddling and ventured all the way to the poopy patch. GOOD GIRL!

Of course, we had to towel off and get warm each and every time, we did this little routine. After lunch though, instead of me just putting them out, each one of them went to the door and either scratched or cried to go out! YES! House breaking - success in progress!! And then they all wanted to stay out and play in the cold wet mess! Imagine that!
Instead of the toweling off, we had to pull out the warm hair dryer. Stinking cute babies!
Here's Ellie:

Here's Puppy Boy:

And here's the Hummer:

What a day for the kids!


  1. Aww! Brave little puppies. Makes me baby hungry for one. So cute!

  2. Does he/she really have a crazy blue eye or is that just a camera distortion? Either so cute!

  3. Does he/she really have a crazy blue eye or is that just a camera distortion? Either so cute!


Lay it on me....