Wednesday, December 31, 2008

If it's Wednesday, then I'm wondering.....

Now let me preface today's questions with a factual statement or two.
I'm strange. I'm a dork. I'm OCD in a rather BIG way. I frighten even myself.

That said, I LOVE, nay, HAVE to eat foods by color. Specifically say, Skittles. I HAVE to eat them by color. I have anxiety if someone grabs a handful with all of them mixed together. THAT IS NOT THE RIGHT WAY!!! You might think I am kidding, but I am as serious as a heart attack. In fact, my heart will race just watching that and I think I might, could easily, have a heart attack!
First you eat the yellow ones, then green, then orange, followed by red and finish it up with purple. No.other.order. Ever.
My cute BFF sis-in-law one New Years eve was kind enough to separate all the Skittles by color into individual bowls. While that was a very thoughtful gesture, the satisfaction wasn't the same. There is something soothing about dumping them all out on a paper towel, and then picking them out by color. It is actually very calming and satisfying. In fact, if I am having a hard day at work, it has been known that a co-worker will go to the vending matching, buy me a bag of skittles just so I can sort and eat by color to calm down. Again, I AM NOT KIDDING.
If I have some spread out on said paper towel, and someone comes along and asks if they can have one? Only if they take the color that I am currently working on. If they scoop a variety handful, well I might as well just throw the rest away. The whole process is then ruined. Again, NOT KIDDING!

Why is this? No, it's not for flavor, because I do the same thing with M&M's, Fruit Loops, anything that is multi-color regardless of flavor. WHY!?!? I ask you......

Question two of the day -
Why in hades am I running a 5k at 11:30 tonight to ring in the New Year? WHY??
It's all Chad's fault really. If he wasn't such a gym rat BFF, and I already signed up, and already talked Shark Bait into it, I would totally bail. The one redeeming grace? Denny's Grand Slam afterward. Wish me luck and if you have any answers for my craziness, please, by all means, share!


  1. I am wondering why you would want to run at night in the cold as well. Good luck with that! Don't slip on any ice!

  2. I guess that means you aren't coming over to play games...Wow and I just UNsorted the Skittles for you.

    I peeled the M&Ms, too, to get rid of those pesky colored candy shells that so annoy you.

    Maybe I'll go peel some Skittles...

  3. You are HYSTERICAL! And I can actually relate on the skittles thing. I always eat them least favorite to favorite--all the yellows or oranges first (depending on my mood), then reds, then greens, then purples last. I'm not as picky about M&M's because they all taste the same. But I have to say the light brown ones were my favorite (which I would always eat last), and they got rid of them! Boo.
    p.s. The reason you are running a 5K for New Years Eve is so that you won't be sitting at home feeling like a loser with nothing to do. NYE has a way of weeding out the cool from the losers really fast like that. I am forced to take serious stock of my nerdiness every year when I'm at home on NYE. At least you'll be out! (And burning calories intead of stuffing them in, like me).

  4. Question #1. Perhaps it is nice to control something in a world where there is a lot of things that "happen".

  5. I had no idea how many weird food things people have until I started in the blogging world!

    Good luck tonight!

  6. No.Idea.

    But I love you for your weird food issues. I always save the best part of what I'm eating for last. And it really pisses me off if Luvpilot comes along and take it off my plate. And when we were dating, if we got in a fight, I wouldn't wear that color of underwear again. So see, I'm weird like you. But not quite weird enough to run in the middle of the freaking cold night. Have fun with that.

  7. Good luck with your run tonight. I will be thinking of you while I down the leftover Christmas candy waiting for midnight to come. I only have one week left so why not live it up! I'll probably gain five pounds before the contest even starts.

  8. your post is strange and interesting at the same time.I'm astonish by your thoughts as you talk about those skittles and coloring.You are something else.Thanks for sharing it


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