Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cold Turkey Trot 6K - SUCCESS!!

HAH! Did it!
Soooooo, as most of you know, a little stressed about the race this morning. I actually got more uptight the closer it got.
We all met at the gym early this morning

l-r Wally, Chad, Rick, Katrina, Tiburon, Me and Chris

I got right up to the start line, while everyone else held back a little. The siren went off, and away we went. I shot out the gate a little faster than normal, but felt okay until about 5 minutes in. Then I don't know what the heck happened, but I felt like my whole body just SHUT DOWN. It felt like I was running through tar. I could barely move. I thought, 'CRAP! At least just finish....' kept at it while being passed by more and more runners. At the turn around though, something just clicked and the fire kicked in! At this point, it was now downhill and I could make up lost time! Ran my little legs as hard as I could and started to now pass those runners who had, just a few minutes before, left me in their dust. Feeling good now, and looked up and saw the finish line. That always gives you a HUGE burst, so I lit the flames and took it up a notch. Note-quads burning, back aching at this point. All I could do is look up at the clock at the finish line and gasp in disbelief! I crossed the line at 28:31, might have been 28:32 when I my chip hit the pad.

I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! I had no idea, that I could do that time. I seriously thought 30 min was a shot, and as of start time just wanted to beat "she who shall remain nameless"! Well, not gonna lie, but I not only beat her, I smoked her trash! Good feeling - oh yeah!!
My running friends all did well themselves:
Here's Chad

Here's Chris:

And here's Tiburon:

I'm missing pictures of Rick and Katrina - they are on another camera and will be added later.

Later in the day the official times got posted on the internet. Here's how I shaped up:
Official time - 29:34
7th place - my division
25th place - overall women
107th place - overall (total of 850 runners)
Not to shabby if I say so myself!

I think everyone had a great time, and in spite of it being bitter, butt cold and a little drizzly, the outcome made it ALL WORTH IT!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are a super freaking ROCKSTAR.


    I want to be you (or beat you) when I grow up...


Lay it on me....