Friday, August 7, 2009

Slang Gang Word of the Day

August 7: Dohment

One of those slap your forehead moments when you realise that you've just done something incredibly stupid.

The moment when something "dawns on you" and the penny drops.

A dohment is when you realise that you've put the baby outside and tucked the cat up in the cot for the night.


A dohment is when you wonder why the lawn isn't looking any better then notice that you haven't engaged the lawnmower blade.

**Absolutley appropriate for today. Considering that my entire life is a compilation of dohments.**


Scrappy Girl said...

Well, now I have a word for the silly things I do EVERY day.

One time I shaved my legs with the blade backwards...couldn't figure out why the hair wasn't coming off...LOL

Martha H. said...

I hate it when the dohments are more frequent than not. ha ha ha

Happy Birthday!!!! May it be dohment free.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, my whole likf is a dohment! lol

Happy Birthday tootz!

tiburon said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! DOH!

CountessLaurie said...

Happy Birthday!

I have these all the time! Thanks for the word to go with it!

tammy said...

Oh my gosh....this is going in my boys' vocab for sure, especially since they love the Simpson's and Homer's d'oh!

kado! said...

i had a dohment last night when I put Sean's Ranch dressing away in the dish cupboard...and didn't realize it until I went to get a bowl a few minutes later....

kami @ said...

Slang Word of the day?!

Happy Birfday! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy b-day to one of my cute girls !!!

LaurieJ said...

Hope you have an awesome birthday!!