Thursday, March 26, 2009


Really??!?!!? Isn't it supposed to be Spring?

I've had enough!

I can't do another day of having to drag out the Nanook of the North coat! And apparently, neither can Tuffy.

Uncle!! For the love of all that is holy, can we PLEASE be done with winter?! I think I might have a complete hissy, meltdown, come-apart!



Shauna said...

I am with you! I want and need some sunshine :)

tiburon said...

Couldn't agree with you more.


And you just rid of your winter coat too!

LaurieJ said...

It's a new season called schminter (becca taught me that this morning). And it bites

Kristina P. said...

Unfortunately, this IS spring in Utah.

Anonymous said...


I love Utah and snow, but holy cannoli's enough is enough already! I allowed to say SUCKS!?

Hee Hee

Vanessa said...

LOL to Nanook of the North! That is what we call puffy coats around here too. And I'm ready to put mine away.

Pedaling said...

tib- T.M.I.

ditto on the too much snow.

Just SO said...

I have to say that as I was watching the news last night and this morning. And seeing what the people up in Fargo are dealing with and then there was a tornado down in Mississippi. I had to be grateful for the snow because I sure don't want to be dealing with flooding or tornado's. I'll take the white stuff any day over those.

Shelley said...

I know none of you will want to hear this, but I am so jealous of your snow. It looks beautiful. It's freaking hot here. Well, not today, but this weekend, 80s, and we'll be in the 100's by April, I'm sure. The way you feel about being done with winter in March? Is the same way I feel about being done with summer in November. I'm not ready for the horrible heat to start again. I'm moving to Colorado at the beginning of June. I. Can. Not. Wait.

kimberly said...

I so totally agree with you!!

Martha H. said...

Ok, Tib's comment about made me wet my pants.

So ready for real Spring like weather.

tiburon said...

I am glad I amuse you ;)

Brittany Marie said...

LOL! Nanook of the North...

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head. We are in the midst of a March blizzard. Blizzard, I say! WTH?!?

Natalie said...

Why do we all live in Utah??? I love that your coat has a name!

Becca said...

I wanted to cry this morning.
And for the's sprinter, not schminter..but whatever you call it, it still SUCKS!

nikkicrumpet said...

I feel your pain....and the subzero temps. WHERE IS GLOBAL WARMING WHEN YOU NEED IT!!

kami @ said...

winter coat?! What?!

me. too. sick. of. it!

Trevor, Brianna, Alivia, Tayvree, and Avynlee Hansen said...

maybe if you open the window and yell at the clouds like Alivia did...... lol ok i agree...i'm hissy-frustrated too!!!!!!~!~!!!!!!

tammy said...

Be my neighbor and never have to deal with this ever again.

AS Amber said...

Ya dude. I had a full-core melt down when I saw the snow, too.